Site Map

If you are having problems navigating the site or looking for a particular file you can find a listing of the major sections below:


FED2k Discussion is where most of the action takes place, be sure to drop by and post.


The latest news is on the main page of the site, this is where you will find out what is going on with the site and all the other Dune related news. There is also a vast news archive that contains all the posts from the past years of the site. There is also the poll archive that contains past poll results. Lastly there is the updates page where I let people know what I have been working with on the site.


The Articles section contains some great fan written articles on Dune based topics, a great read! The Fan Art section contains some amazing art by Dune fans, be sure to check out some of OrLoK's work. The Creations section was started to let people come up with their own ideas on Dune units or structures that they would like to see in future Dune games. If you have a question you should check the Questions page for answers to previous questions as well as a form to fill out if your question hasn't already been answered. The last section is the Forum where everyone is invited discuss and ask question on a variety of Dune related topics.


The Duniverse section contains pages for many of the Dune based games as well as link to other great Dune sites. The Dune 2000 pages contain images, strategy, info, and anything else you can think of on the game. The Dune 2000 PSX section contains info on the Playstation version of Dune 2000 like cheats, images, and reviews. The Dune II and Dune Genesis pages contain info on the Dune II games released by Westwood. There are images from the games as well as brief overviews and strategies. The Dune section contains images from Cyro's game as well as a walkthrough and links to the games music. The Fleer Cards section contains scans from the 1984 Dune movie trading cards, the set is a brief overview of the movie. The Other Dune Games page contains some info on other Dune games that don't have their own section, like the Dune board game. Check the Links page for a variety of other Dune related websites. The newest additions are sections covering Emperor: Battle for Dune and Frank Herbert's Dune which cover Westwood's latest 3D RTS and Cryo Dune action/adventure game respectively.


The downloads section contains a variety of files relating to Dune. From wallpapers to game patches you can find it here. It is split into sections relating to specific games. The Dune 2000 Maps page contains the largest map archive for the game on the net but if you aren't into maps there is also a great section for general downloads relating to Dune 2000. There is also a section covering downloads for Emperor that is worth checking out. If you need some Dune II files check that section and anything else that doesn't fit in the above categories are listed in Other Downloads.
Site created January 15, 1998.
© Jesse Reid, All Rights Reserved, 2025.